Note: Infographic terminology is not always precise, and words such as shader, map, texture, procedure, and material mean different things when used in different contexts, applications, and renderings.You can mix OSL shaders and regular shaders, but optimizations suffer.OSL uses the “just in time” compilation and optimization of all shadow trees at the same time, provided that all shaders in the shadow tree are OSL shaders.Additional renderers that support OSL in native mode are displayed daily. In these cases, the runtime environment does not continue within the OSL assignment, but the OSL source code, parameter values, and shader bindings are sent to the renderer that executes the OSL code.

It also works with renderers that support OSL natively, such as. It also works outside of rendering engines, anywhere in 3ds Max where a standard card is requested, e.g.

Brick Visual is an Autodesk 3ds Max key and has developed a distinctive style that represents architecture in a very artistic way.